After more than a year since my last entry, I am bringing back the Naturography Blog.
The long interval since the last post was due to a few reasons. One was a broken heart. Another was that I was looking for a better photo hosting solution, and a better blog hosting solution – and I viewed the use of this blog site as temporary, until I set up a better solution, elsewhere. Also, I've just been busy, and the dealing with the blog software, in order to get the text and pictures and links posted and looking right, was time consuming.
I'll now be giving this blog more priority, and posting more regularly. I'll probably be making the posts a little shorter and a little more simply designed, on average, but I will be keeping the content high. There will be a lot of interesting material, for anyone who likes making nature pictures, or just likes looking at them.
At some point, soon, I'll be re-doing my website, and then transferring the hosting for this blog, and for its pictures, to my own site. Until then, I hope you continue to enjoy it here.
As I revive this blog, I have several new offerings in the works. I'm writing a nature photography how-to book; I'm creating workshops, in addition to the private instruction I already offer; I'll be offering webinars, photo criticism, and also fine art print specials. I'll keep you updated, as these offerings develop.
Please come back, regularly, and tell any friends who like nature photography to come and check it out.
Thank you, readers, for your interest and attention.
Elephant Seal Birth
All pictures and text are © Mike Spinak, unless otherwise noted. All pictures shown are available for purchase as fine art prints, and are available for licensed stock use. Telephone: (831) 325-6917.
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