Monday, August 11, 2008

Close Up Lens Considerations, Part 1

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Anonymous said...

Excellent post Mike, I've recently started practicing close-up photography a little more myself and have invested in a set of Kenko extension tubes. As I'm sure you're aware, they work with any existing lens of any focal length to decrease the close focusing distance and thus increase magnification. I've found them to be a great way to get my feet wet in macro photography without spending a fortune on dedicated macro lenses.

Mike Spinak said...

Thank you, David.

Extension tubes are great. I use them, often.

I'm glad to hear that you're getting your feet wet with close up photography.

Anonymous said...

Mike, thanks for the article. I have been looking into macro lenses lately and couldn't decide between the (affordable) options out there. You helped me go a long way in making my decision.

Mike Spinak said...

Hi, Marshall.

It's nice to see that you peek in on my blog.

I'm glad I could help you. So, what are you leaning toward getting?

Anonymous said...

I have a Pentax K20D, so I'm leaning toward either the Pentax 100mm or the Sigma 105mm. I plan on coupling either with some extension tubes. Both are quite pricey, so I need to start saving some pennies.